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• I Have Seen The Rain • | by Pink feat. James T. Moore
I have seen the rain
I have felt the pain
I don't know where I'll be tomorrow
I don't know where I'm going
I don't even know where I've been
But I know I'd like to see them again

Spend my days in searching
Spend my nights in dreams
Stopped looking over my shoulder, baby
I stopped wondering what it means.
Drop out, burn out, sold your home
Oh they said I should've been more
Probably so if I hadn't been in that crazy damn Vietnam war

I have seen the rain
I survived the pain
Oh I've been home 30 years or so
And I'm just stepping off of the plane

Spend my days in searching
Spend my nights in dreams
Stop looking over my shoulder, baby
I stopped wondering what it means.
Drop out, burn out, sold your home
Oh they said I should've been more
Probably so if I hadn't been in that crazy damn Vietnam war

We have seen the rain together
We survived the pain forever
Oh it's good to be home again
It's good to be with my friends
Oh it's good to be home again
It's good to feel that rain
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 Corrected by Eric Sharpe
 Accessed 7 time(s) today
 # 1 | posh:

the line goes-if i hadnt been in that crazy damn vietnam war.not DAY but damn
on 3 April 2006

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