Cold outside long after dark You値l find a stone in your heart For time let痴 stand together We値l fall or we値l rise You and I in secret style Awaiting all for thee
You bet your life Come down slow and easy You値l find a way You値l find a way Deny, the world follow you I know you値l rise I know you値l rise And keep it down And it won稚 go away You secret style it won稚 go away
It痴 right inside of me It痴 right inside of me Come 喪ound; let痴 stand together We値l rise alone for ever Team of life a secret style Waiting up for me Come down slow and easy You値l find a way; we値l find a way Deny, the world will follow you I know We値l ride I know you値l rise I know you値l come alive I know you値l come alive I know (repeated)